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CE First School and Nursery

Love, Learn, Fly – Do Everything in Love: 1 Corinthians 16:14

Assessing and Reporting your Child’s Progress

During the summer term prior to entry, we liaise with playgroups and pre-school settings and identify pupils who may need extra support when they join school. We also gather information on other areas including friendships, medical needs and attitudes to learning. The pre-schools also provide transition information relating to the Areas of Learning.


In the autumn term, the reception teacher will be complete the Reception Baseline Assessment. These simple observations and tasks enable us to learn individual children’s abilities. The teacher then has a better understanding of children’s skills, enabling them to plan the next steps in learning. From then on, your child’s progress is monitored on a regular basis.


Towards the end of the summer term, parents will receive a written report containing a summary of your child’s progress at the end of the Foundation Stage.


During the year, we hold termly parent/teacher consultation meetings. However, please don’t hesitate to make an appointment to see your child’s Teacher at another time if you have any queries or concerns.
