Contact Details


CE First School and Nursery

Love, Learn, Fly – Do Everything in Love: 1 Corinthians 16:14


At Cranborne First School and Nursery, the classroom doors open at 8:20 am and Attendance Registers are taken at 8:30 am. Pupils who are not present for registration are marked as absent initially. If a child then arrives before 9 am, this will be changed to ‘present but late’. Any pupil arriving after 9 am will be marked with an unauthorised mark, unless there is another reason for the late arrival, for example a medical appointment.


Persistent lateness is followed up, initially by a meeting between the class teacher and the family to ascertain reasons and explain the impact of the lateness. If punctuality continues to be an issue, the Headteacher, Annette Faithfull and/or Sian Phillips the Attendance Lead will meet with the family.
